Section 10 – Declaration of Conformity.

  1. Model BP2
  2. Manufacturer: Smart rider LTD mishmar hanegev ISRAEL 8531500
  3. The Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer: Smart Rider LTD
  4. The object of the declaration of conformity is the identification of PPE allowing traceability; and where necessary the identification of PPE
  5. The object of the declaration in point 4 is in conformity with the PPE regulation 2016/425
  6. Certified by expert assessement in compliance with CRITT SPORT LOISIRS CE1621-2 Certificate no : 0501/984/162/02/16/0143
  7. Type Examination certificate number: .
  8. Notified Body number…2754

Photos of styles covered by this declaration

Signed for and on behalf of: Smart Rider LTD
Name: Passal Sinay
Function: General Manager
