Section 10 – Declaration of Conformity.

  1. Model BP3
  2. Manufacturer: Smart rider LTD mishmar hanegev ISRAEL 8531500
  3. The Declaration of Conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer: Smart Rider LTD
  4. The object of the declaration of conformity is the identification of PPE allowing traceability, and where necessary the identification of PPE
  5. The object of the declaration in point 4 is in conformity with the PPE regulation 2016/425
  6. Certified by expert assessment in compliance with CRITT SPORT LOISIRS EN1621-2  and EN17092-6:2020  Certificate no: ° 2754/0984/162/12/21/0922
  7. Type Examination certificate number:
  8. Notified Body number…2754

Photos of styles covered by this declaration

Signed for and on behalf of Smart Rider LTD
Name: Passal Sinay
Function: General Manager
